Experiment: Varying The Concentration Of Bromide

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Experimental Procedure: Varying the concentration of the bromide ions 1. Gather all the apparatus needed. Place 5 burettes in clamp stand and label it with the solution KBrO3, KBr, phenol, acidified methyl orange and distilled water. The burette has to be thoroughly rinsed with distilled water and need to be washed with each solution going into them. Then fill them up with each solution and keep it at eye level. Make sure their no air bubbles or leaks, as present of air bubbles can lead to an error in volume reading. Make your eyes are in level with the meniscus and take your initial readings by looking at the bottom of the meniscus. 2. Add 10cm3 of KBrO3, 15cm3 of acidified methyl orange, and 5cm3 Phenol into a beaker 2. This amount will be kept constant to act as controlled variable. 3. Add 10cm3 of KBr of required concentrations to another beaker. The KBr solution would be diluted with distilled water to get the desired concentrations (0.01, 0.008, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003 mol/dm-3). The dilution method to get these concentrations is shown in the table below. 4. Place the first beaker into a white tile and pour in the KBr solution, immediately staring the stop watch and stir continuously until it goes colourless. Record the time taken to decolourise. 5. Repeat for other concentration of KBr. Repeat each…show more content…
The first graph time taken for the reaction to decolourise against the concentration shows that as the concentration of the reactant increased the time taken for reaction to complete decreased: this clearly shows a negative correlation. The second graph rate against concentration for potassium bromate (V) shows a straight diagonal line of best fit going through the origin (0,0). As the concentration increased the rate of reaction also increased this can be explained by the collision theory, which was discussed in depth in chemical background

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