Compare The Concentration Of Acetic Acid In Vinegar Through The Use Of Titration

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The purpose of this experiment was to determine the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar through the use of titration. The titration experiment was conducted by adding 25cm3 of commercial vinegar into a volumetric flask. Deionised water was then added to fill the solution up to the 250cm3 mark indicated on the flask. The solution was then mixed 8-10 times to ensure the mixture of liquids were combined. 25cm3 of the vinegar solution was then transferred to a conical flask, where 3 drops of Universal indictor were added. Sodium hydroxide was then added to a burette and then transferred to the vinegar solution, where the vinegar solution turned from red (Indicating acid is present) to green (Indicating it has neutralised). The experiment was carried out 3 more times until the results obtained were within 0.1cm3 of each other. The results obtained from the experiment showed that the concentration of acetic acid in commercial vinegar…show more content…
0.1M Sodium hydroxide Be extremely careful with Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), as it is corrosive and can cause chemical burns to the persons skin. In this experiment the sodium hydroxide will be diluted, the risks are minimal but it is still considered to be an irritant. If any splash back occurs to the skin or clothing, please immediately rinse under running water and check for irritation to the skin. Also report this incident to the supervisor. When filling burettes, extra care must be taken also. Procedure Materials The materials used in this experiment were a: Burette, which held and transferred the Sodium hydroxide used. A graduated pipette was used to transfer the commercial vinegar into the volumetric flask. A volumetric flask was used, which held the vinegar and deionised water solution. A conical flask was later used to hold a small amount of the vinegar solution. Figure

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