There Will Be Blood Analysis

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Oil is maybe the single most important resource of energy that is known to mankind and it is often glorified as a substance of progress and rapid development, in some aspects rightfully so as it brought unprecedented economic growth and mobility. Beyond this general idea of progress, the narrative of oil is also associated with individual success and is overall seen as a savior that can perform miracles for humanity. However, it also is the cause of some social and environmental injustice. An other narrative that is also frequently assumed to be a universal-solution to peoples’ struggles is the narrative of religion. In Paul Thomas Anderson’s 2007 movie drama There Will Be Blood, those two narratives are depicted as opposing forces and are personified in Daniel Plainview the self-proclaimed oil-man and Eli Sunday the hypocrite preacher. In the movie There will be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson, the narrative of oil represented by Daniel Plainview and the narrative of religious ideology as it is portrayed by Eli Sunday, hold resentments towards each other for mannerisms that they both share. To exemplify those shared mannerisms and how the characters despise one another, I am going to compare those two characters behavior and approach in similar…show more content…
Whereas Daniel Plainview is represented as the prototype self-made capitalist, who would go to any length to accomplish his personal goals. His character is linked to the rugged individualism of the narrative of oil and so “The excessive Plainview becomes a body double for oil itself…“ (Lemenager, 2012
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