Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Paper

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Crime scenes that involve bloodshed often contain a wealth of information in forms of bloodstains. The pattern, size, shape, and the location of such stains may be very useful in the reconstruction of the events that occurred. As such, bloodstain patterns can range from the simple to the complex. At base, the understanding of simple geometry will help with the understanding of bloodstain pattern analysis. Through the application of the Pythagorean Theorem (A2+B2=C2) one will be given the ability to look at the blood drops and figure out which direction the victim was moving. That being said, bloodstain pattern analysis is the study and method of looking at the dispersion, shape, characteristics, volume, pattern, number of bloodstains, and their relationship to the surrounding scene to attempt to reconstruct the events which led to the deposition and stain pattern associated with the crime scene. Blood analysis is recovered as fresh blood, clotted blood, spatters, smears,…show more content…
Officers Steve Guillermo, Larry Webber, and Martin Ellzazar are assigned to the case. Ellazar was the primary officer assigned to the case. He photographed the van which documented the bloodstains casted all over the interior of the vehicle. Blood was found in the cargo area, the middle console, the roof – near the dome light, and on the plastic covering the speedometer. Additional blood was found on the steering heel ad the driver’s side door and window. Ellazar reported that “some of these bloodstains are consistent with contact-transfer smears. Other blood sources were photographed and found to be from medium-velocity impact types of spatters.” At this finding, Ellazar who testified that when sitting at home examining his findings claimed, “Nothing in Sergeant Mathison’s narrative of events could account for the types of blood spatters that had been
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