Theme Of Censorship In Fahrenheit 451

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Censorship, by definition, defines the suppression of certain parts of books, films, and news considered threatening or unacceptable. Depending on the situation, censorship can bring a certain situation as ludicrous or unethical. In the novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, the story takes place in a dystopian world following Guy Montag, a fireman in charge burning books. Like everyone else, Montag regard’s any informative piece of literature a nuisance for spreading “hogwash” rather than entertainment media, however overtime his mind changes, especially after one night when he meets Clarisse, a clever 17-year-old girl with an imaginative mind. Compared to our society, censorship established from their government allows division amongst the citizens of Guy Montag’s society, which provokes the lack of communication, intellect, and awareness between other residents of Montag’s universe. When regarding the cause-and-effect…show more content…
As previously stated, citizens of Montag’s society invest themselves into entertainment matters, however are unaware of their surroundings. When Montag comes across Faber, an old inventor, for instance, the duo discuss the ongoing war between their countries and another until Faber mentions: “Ten million men mobalized. But say one million, it’s happier” (100). In this instance, it’s suggested that Faber prefers for people to think that the said amount of troops being sent to war should be minimalized for pleasure. Such thinking corresponds with one of Mildred’s friends, in which she exclaims at her house about her husband in the war: “I’ve heard that, too. I’ve never known any dead man killed in a war. Killed jumping off of buildings, yes, but wars? No” (115). This implies that Mildred’s friend believes that her husband is in no significant danger while volunteering his services during the

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