Fahrenheit 451 Analysis

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After the Cold War ended, the United States was left with many things. One thing left behind was The National Broadcast System was introduced by President Dwight Eisenhower during the Cold War. The National Emergency Broadcast System is used as a fast way of getting information out to the public by way of television. It alarmed the public of war, threats of war and notified them of national crisis. "The Emergency Broadcast System was established to provide the President of the United States with an expeditious method of communicating with the American public in the event of war, threat of war, or grave national crisis." - Emergency Broadcast System: The Lifesaving Public Service Program, United States Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, March 1978 ://www.history.com/topics/1950s/videos/cold-war?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false The introduction of the Emergency Broadcast System in the 1950s influenced Fahrenheit 451’s plot. I believe Ray Bradbury used this, at the time, new innovation to shape his government in his novel. The government was able to access its citizens through their televisions, radio and other technologies. The government was able to announce its national…show more content…
Between 1950 and 1970 the number of households with televisions rose from one million to forty-four million. Television became a focal point to most families; it was something they were all able to enjoy together. Television, once introduced, consumed a lot of the average family’s time. Many new (at the time) and classic series and programs premiered in the 50s, such as I love Lucy, Father knows Best, Leave It To Beaver, Gunsmoke, The Mickey Mouse Club House, and Howdy Doody. When the Television was introduced to American homes, it caused a great change in the way families functioned. Some even say people became obsessed with television; people became very involved with their programs and keeping up with

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