Summary Of The Virgin Suicide By Jeffrey Eugenides

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In the book The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides it focused on the Lisbon family. The Lisbon family consist of Mrs. Lisbon, Mr. Lisbon, Lux Lisbon, Mary Lisbon, Cecilia Lisbon, Therese Lisbon ,and Bonnie Lisbon. Mary Lisbon is the last daughter of the Lisbons to attempt in taking her life. Then the book proceeds to tell the story of what happen the next thirteen months that led the Lisbon girls to that. The story then went back in June when the first suicide was attempted. Cecilia Lisbon, the youngest of the daughters slit her wrist while taking a bath. Then after a prescribed social outlet she took her life. She then threw herself out of her bedroom window onto a fence and died instantly. During this the workers of the cemetery were having a…show more content…
After awhile the girls returned to school and everyone welcomed them with looks of concern even though they seemed fine. One afternoon after Trip finished smoking. He was walking down the hall and saw the headmaster and to avoid her he rushed into a classroom and saw Lux and it was love at first sight. Soon after that incident, he is invited over to Luxś house to watch Television with her whole family. As Autumn progresses the house begins to have a down aura about it after officially dealing with Cecilia's death. In an attempt to make her feel better Tri asked MR Lisbons permission to take Lux and her sister to the dance. Trip Fontaine took Lux and her sisters to the homecoming dance. They school voted them both Lux and Trip Homecoming King and Queen. After they danced the night away, they ran off to the football field and made love. Lux not caring that her curfew was at 11 pm she woke up that next morning in the field alone and walked home only to face the wrath of her overbearing parents. Her mother took Lux and her sister out of school and kept them away from all outside people. However, that didn’t stop

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