The Use Of Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Animal Farm is an allegorical masterpiece written by George Orwell. Set somewhere in England, in an unspecified time period, this fable is said to specifically be written about the Russian Revolution. Orwell wrote Animal Farm in 1943-44, around the end of the revolution. The book starts on Manor Farm, the animals are fairly mis-treated, but they don't seem to be aware of this. One day, a very old and well respected pig named Old Major implants the idea of a rebellion against the humans, in the farm animals minds. He speaks of a utopian society that can be attained, in a world without humans, eventually the animals overthrow the humans of the farm and begin to build toward this utopia. Quickly things get bad, and then worse, as…show more content…
The pigs were able to keep the animals in check, as they did all sorts of atrocities. A huge reason why they were able to do this is their use of propaganda. Amongst others: fear, bandwagon, and glittering generalities, are three tools of propaganda we see in Animal Farm and in the world today. Fear is a very common propaganda tool, and one that is very effective. In the book Napoleon and the pigs use fear to keep the animals compliant. When the animals have worked long hours and have not had much food, they start to complain and grumble. Then Squealer asks the animals if they would prefer that Jones returns, and begins abusing the animals once more. The animals only have terrible memories of the farm when it was run by Jones. Surely things are far better now, then they were before. The very thought of Mr. Jones returning makes the animals shake with fear. The pigs know that whenever anyone gets a little antsy about their routine or lifestyle, all they have to do is mention Jones's name. When some animals confessed to betraying Napoleon, he had his dogs slaughter them in front of the entire population of the farm. This leaves all of the animals in fear of disobeying…show more content…
I see fear propaganda being used by the U.S. Government against our second amendment right, with all the gun-control laws. With all the recent shootings, it is getting harder and harder to possess a gun. If no one has guns, there can be no shootings, right? You do want to be safe, don't you? Of course criminals will still get guns like they always have, illegally. I believe their goal is to gain power and total control over the masses. Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Let's not forget the part gun-control laws in Nazi Germany played in terrible events. Bandwagon is another propaganda tool used by the pigs. Squealer has brainwashed the sheep to continually repeat this motto, “Four legs good, two legs bad.” Throughout the days, over and over again the sheep utter these words. The other farm animals hear this, and they see that all the sheep are saying it, so they start to believe it. I see this tool used in advertising a lot. One of McDonald's slogans is, “Billions and billions served.” Wow if all those people have eaten here it must be good, I
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