How Did Benjamin Franklin Influence Society

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In honor of Benjamin Franklin, his portrait is printed on the obverse of the one hundred-dollar bill, the largest denomination in American currency. He is the one of the most indispensable persons since the foundation of the United States. He had a variety of significant impacts as a publisher and writer, statesman and diplomat, and scientist and inventor in American history. At the beginning of his last will and testament, Benjamin Franklin identified himself as “of Philadelphia, printer, late Minister Plenipotentiary [...]” (Marech). He began his eminent professional life as a printer and founded his own printing office afterwards (Marech). In the eighteenth century, the printing press functioned as the combination of the colonials’ “radio,…show more content…
He was first elected “in 1751 to the Pennsylvania Assembly” because of his outstanding achievement and contribution instead of his family background (Ketcham). Franklin became a leader of the Quaker party opposing the Proprietary party and discontinued the influence of the Penn family, the family of the founder of Pennsylvania (Ketcham). In his opinion, the power comes from the governed, and it should not be accumulated by a family. Therefore, he defended the “rights of the elected representatives” to reflect the will of the electorates and encouraged some of his colleagues to resist the influence of the Penn family ("Benjamin Franklin" Encyclopedia...). Unlike today politicians’ schemes and exploits for personal rivalries or ambitions, Benjamin Franklin cared more about the public service. Coming from a poor family, he better understood that the education is the key to most powerful weapon for the indigents to change their lives. He realized the importance of education even before the American Revolution and founded the precursor of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the oldest institutions of higher education (Ketcham). Benjamin Franklin was the greatest statesman who dedicated himself to civil development rather than personal
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