The Sport That Changed My Life

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“What do you want to be when you grow up?” The question every kid has to answer and since I was young l had always dreamt of playing professionally in whatever sport I was currently in whether it was football, basketball, or baseball. I played these sports for the first 9 years of my life than my dad had meet a friend whose kids played hockey and my life was never the same. After some years of trying to convince my parents to let me play I was off sorta of. Hockey is a unique sport ,due to the fact; that you need to know to skate before you can start to improve any of your other skills. After having played the whole season I eventually learned to stop not using the boards. Even though I was still new to the sport and behind all the other kids it started to grow and became not just a sport for me but a lifestyle that is unlike any other. Since I started to play hockey my answer started to change to hockey even when parents and teachers told me to find something that was more reasonable that was not such a reach of a job, however; I kept dreaming. This kept coming up as I would miss the select team by margins that I thought were unfair, but that didn’t stop me from dreaming when I did not make…show more content…
My junior year of high school I thought someone would notice me so that I could continue my dream. As I would have to go and give up weekends with friends so that I was able to go to tournaments and place myself in front of those people that could continue my hockey career. As I would sit in the locker room while listening for my name to get called so that I could go talk to the scouts I was having flashbacks to when I would miss teams by the hair on my chin. This would push me farther than I thought was possible just to try to show people what I have to offer

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