The Rocking Horse Winner Essay

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American author, D.H. Lawrence, in his short narrative A Rocking Horse Winner substantiates the lengths of what a son will do in order to earn his mother’s love, who ironically dislikes her children. Lawrence’s purpose is to show that some individuals would sacrifice their own happiness, for those who are not fully appreciative. He adopts an ironic tone in order to appeal to those who have been in the position of giving but not receiving The choice of style Lawrence uses in order to create this ironic contrast between reality and fantasy. For example, the story is introduced “There was a woman who was beautiful who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck.”, it appears to have a fairy tale like quality, by beginning the story with that certain sentence, it describes hester’s life as wonderful, but that isn’t exactly true.(Lawrence) In reality…show more content…
The whole concept of Lawerence using this unrealistic approach is to claim that the characters themselves are believed to live in a fantasy, but it is false. The way in which he connects the structure of the story to his characters establishes his style of writing. His ironic tone of the story contributes to the story’s meaning as a whole. Throughout the narrative, there is a frequent use of irony, which gives the story it’s tone. For example, “She had bonny children...she could not love them...when her children were present, she always felt the centre of her heart go hard... Everybody else said of her: ‘She is such a good mother. She adores her children.’...”, she is a mother yet she loathes her childrens existence (lawrence). Mothers are known to be loving and caring, but hester is the complete opposite and the fact that others view her as a
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