Comparing The Bust Of Nefertiti And Venus De Milo

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Throughout history, there have been countless icon’s of feminine beauty portrayed through artwork, but two that are widely famous for this are the Bust of Nefertiti, and the Venus de Milo. Although these two sculptures were created over 1000 years apart, coming from two incredibly different cultures with two incredibly different artistic styles, the pieces of art do have a lot in common as well. The Bust of Nefertiti is believed to be crafted by Thutmose in Ancient Egypt in 1340 BCE, while the Venus de Milo is believed to be created by Alexandros of Antioch in Ancient Greece around 150-100 BCE. Both pieces of art contain elements that have led the world to consider them as two epitomes of beauty and grace for thousands of years, being considered as ‘gods’ during their respective time periods. At the same time, the two sculptures…show more content…
The Bust of Nefertiti is composed of just the neck and head of the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, as the name suggests. Made of painted limestone coated in stucco, the bust is about 20 inches tall and shows the queen wearing formal Egyptian headdress. Some elements of the piece we should note are her well-defined features throughout her face, including perfectly symmetrical proportions. Also, the artist’s use of dramatic color contrasts directly with the Venus de Milo’s absence of color. The Venus of Milo, also called Aphrodite of Milo, is a full body sculpture of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Made of marble, the piece stands at 6 feet 8 inches, making it slightly larger than life. A few formal elements of the work includes an S-curve of her body, loose drapery around her hips and legs, a strong projection of the knee, a dreamy gaze, and an absence of arms. Both pieces include seemingly “perfect” features and the basis of idealism, where a mental conception of beauty or form is stressed throughout the pieces, a slightly unrealistic portrayal of a normal

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