The Pros And Cons Of Public Relations

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The business world can be extremely competitive. Companies typically want to have something that makes them stand out from the crowd, something that makes them more appealing and interesting to both members of the public and the media. A favorable image can help increase a company's sales, and negative publicity can damage a company's reputation and decrease sales. PR can give consumers and the media a better understanding of how a company works. Within a company, a PR department might also be called a public information department or customer relations department. These departments assist customers if they have any problems with the company. They usually try to show the company at its best. PR departments also might conduct research to learn…show more content…
Public relations provide an organization or individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. Their aim is often to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees and other stakeholders to maintain a certain point of view about the company, its leadership, and products or of political decisions. Public relations (PR) is a way for companies, organizations or people to enhance their reputations. This task typically is performed by public relations professionals or PR firms on behalf of their clients. PR usually involves communicating with the media and through the media to present the clients in the most favorable way possible. It also often involves cooperative efforts with other people and organizations to create good will within the community and enhance the client's image. Processing : Common activities include speaking at conferences, winning industry awards, working with the press, and employee communication. Companies are utilizing interactive social media outlets, such as blogs, Micro blogging and social media. Unlike the traditional tools which allowed for only one-way communication, social media outlets allow the organization to engage in two-way communication, and receive immediate feedback from various stakeholders. Literature survey…show more content… Design: Input design is the bridge between users and system. It specifies the manner in which data enters the system for processing it can ensure the reliability of the system and it may results in output of error information. Depending upon the action being preferred by the user, with the help of Textboxes the input is accepted by the user through button selected or hyperlink clicked. The input at the project level is collected based on the requirement. Output Design Outputs from the computer system are rewired primary to communicate the results of processing to the uses. According the requirements of the system, various types of outputs are as desired and designed as follows. The user gets the output of the specified action selected and appropriate outputs will be displayed for the inputs. Non-Functional Requirements Correctness: Since the project is used to provide the actual and correct information about data, the analyst will predict, the system should always provide correct response and the data in all the database should always be constantly updated with the latest information.

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