Creation Vs Creation In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein is a book by Mary Shelley that was originally written for a horror story contest with other authors, but it became a published novel filled with symbolism of the Bible and the story of Genesis. Throughout the story, she portrays both sides of the mess that Victor Frankenstein created, and it is debated whether Victor’s creation or Victor Frankenstein himself is more human than the other. They both show aspects of human beings in different chapters of the novel, but the Creation is definitely more so. In chapter one through chapter eight, Shelley shows Victor’s thought processes and the chain of events that happened before, during, and after he made the Creation. As those ideas come into play, the audience is shown who Victor really…show more content…
The first few days of the Creation’s life prove to be difficult for him, considering he is practically a baby trying to learn how to live without parents to teach him the ways of life. When the Creation finally meets and interacts with Victor for the first time, he calls him out for abandoning him by saying, “You accuse me of murder, and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature” (Shelley 69). The creature was addressing the hypocrisy of the situation. Victor was accusing the Creation of killing William left and right, but at the same time, he was threatening to destroy his own creation’s life. After the creature finally convinces Victor to hear his story, he talks about the discrimination he faced as well as the appreciation he had for humans. He even believed for a moment that “to be a great and virtuous man appeared the highest honour that can befall a sensitive being” (Shelley 84), due to another chapter of his life, the DeLaceys, and after watching this poor, melancholy family from a distance, he thought, “(foolish wretch!) that it might be in [his] power to restore happiness to these deserving people” (Shelley 80-81). He hated witnessing their pain, so he became an anonymous good samaritan for them by shoveling snow out of their paths and gathering firewood for them. Eventually, though, after introducing himself to the father of the family, he was attacked yet…show more content…
This is when both Victor’s neglection and the world’s collective hatred towards the Creation really take a toll on his actions. He lashes out, claiming, “If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear” (Shelley 104), and he justifies it by telling Victor that, “[he] is malicious because [he] is miserable” (Shelley 104). The only thing he has ever known is hate, violence, and discrimination. He is the only one of his kind. He has no one else to lean on or to learn from, so he becomes miserable in his isolation, and it all leads back to Victor’s choices and actions. In the very end, he sums up his emotions in one simple sentence: “No guilt, no mischief, no malignity, no misery, can be found comparable to mine” (Shelley 165). He grew up alone, not being taught right from wrong because of Victor’s abandonment. If Victor had decided to raise what he had created, instead of running at the sight of him, it could have all been different. The truth is that Victor deserved the rage he received from the Creation, and the Creation had every right to be angry and vicious. It seemed as if the Creation had more feelings in his heart for others than Victor ever

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