Body Cameras Pros And Cons

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A problem with police has been around for a long time. But, recently it has started to make a comeback in an alarming way. Nowadays, a lot of people don't like the police and nobody knows when this hatred for the police will start to die down. Both sides of the argument have valid points on why the police are being treated this way. Anybody who has seen the news or has kept up with the media in recent months has seen how the police have been treated and depending on the side you're on you either agree or disagree with it. Now a lot of people want cameras to be worn by police to make sure that they are fulfilling their day to day duties following the rule of conduct they promised to. Media has a big part in this so called ¨movement” because…show more content…
Police would be being watched at all times making sure they don’t break the laws that they are enforcing. Kevin Johnson who is a reporter for USA Today wrote an article talking about how the cameras actually reduced the physical interactions between the police and the civilians. In Rialto, California they deployed a program in 2012, that proved a reduction of about 60% of use-of-force incidents and an 88% reduction in civilian complaints against police conduct.(Johnson) That study is proving that the cameras are worth the investment even if it is only one city in the country. It shows that when the police are being watched that they are starting to play by the rules. The rules that they are enforcing on civilians. Another benefit to the cameras, is that taxpayers wouldn’t have to pay for a majority of the cameras. Carrie Dann & Andrew Rafferty who also work for a reliable network called NBC wrote an article on how President Obama would actually get all the money that he needs for the police body cameras. "The White House has asked for $263 million in funding for police body cameras and training in the wake of the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown. The program, which would need congressional approval, would offer a total of $75 million over three years to match state funding for the cameras by 50 percent, helping to pay for more than 50,000 of the devices. (Dann & Rafferty)” Since the government is going to pay a majority of the costs, the US could not go wrong with a little bit of added protection from the

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