Self Reflection For Business Internship

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3.b) For the business partners I started my internship just a few weeks before Tet holiday, when people took their time and efforts in showing affection and appreciation to others by presenting gifts. Thuan Hai was of no exception. One day, I was, all of a sudden, asked to assist Ms.Thi – my supervisor on her “gift trip” to the company’s customers – factories and firms located around Ho Chi Minh city as well as in some neighboring provinces. My task was just as simple as carrying gift baskets to our partners’ offices, each was worth about 1 million VND and was directed to some specific people or departments that the staff at Sales Department working closely with. To me this was a magnificent opportunity, which I know is very rare…show more content…
I am confident that I carried out my tasks at the company really well. I felt it quite easy to grasp the idea of how to get the job done from the instructions of my supervisor, and I also got compliments for suggestions of improvement. Even more, my proficiency was also proven as all tasks were completed well prior to the deadline, even with the ones I had never done before. This perhaps stems from my Business English foundation and critical thinking skill forged during my learning at the university. Working as an intern is truly an eye-opener to me. It not only helped me enrich my knowledge on the real business world, but also improved my working practices and communication skills as well. However, I suggest the provision of more specific and practical information, especially on Human Resource Management, especially regarding the incentives policy. There should also be examples of incentive practices in real companies for class discussion. Knowing about how real business works and weighing its pros and cons will definitely boost the efficiency of our study as well as scaffold the preparation for our career later

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