The Pros And Cons Of Democracy

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The study of democratisation have dominated comparative politics so thoroughly, the most prominent is Lipset’s (1959) hypothesis that democracy is sustained primarily by high levels of per capita income. There are conditions where the basis for a consensus on basic values such as poverty, depression and social disorgarnisation resulting in fascism. The exaggerated emphasis on measurable economic wealth creation founded on a competitive marketplace, as sufficient categories for defining development, previously sold as fair in the case of dependency (AKE). Democracy is defined as a political system which supplies regular constitutional opportunities for changing the governing officials. It is a social mechanism for the resolution of the problem of societal decision-making among conflicting interest groups which permits the largest possible part of the population to influence these decisions through their ability to choose among alternative contenders for political office, (Lipset, 1958). This definition implies specific conditions accepted as proper in the society, like systems and beliefs that legitimize the democratic system…show more content…
Together with most of the different forms of power that manifest themselves in the colony can be readily traced back to the democratic rule. Underdevelopment and poverty became a direct result of colonialisation by developed countries. The accomplishment of social and political objectives within the country was all for the benefit of the colonisers. There exists a broad consensus that democratisation is rooted in the domestic process of economic modernisation. The idea of societies to progress based on increases in the complexity of technology and social organisation as a consequence of modernisation was all good and well but, European technologies benefitted more the colonizer than the
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