St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves Analysis

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Is compassion socially constructed or an animalistic instinct? Over time society has seen the diminishing of compassion and the emergence of a highly selfish society. What happened to the saying “one for all and all for one”? We are born with natural human instincts those instincts include caring for others. We are naturally nurturing beings. However in today’s society we learn to fend for ourselves. Compassion has become a fleeting characteristic. We are taught to be selfish, we strive to become better than everyone else and we have no problem hurting others to get there. Where has our compassion gone? In “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” the story is a prime example that compassion is not distinguished in humans. The story is about a family of werewolves living in the forest. The family of werewolves produced one generation of human children. Since this generation was so very clearly immensely different from the pact, the parents want to find a better life for their human children. So when a group of nuns show up in the forest the parents tell their children to join the nuns and their school. The school was supposed…show more content…
Claudette was actually very nervous and she spent extra time practicing the routine. While at the dance the girls were talking to the boys and the nuns then announced “The time has come to do the Sausalito,” (Russell 238). Claudette started to freak out and her natural defense mechanism kicked in. Her sister Mirabella was in the corner watching and noticed something was wrong. Mirabella rushed over and tackled Claudette. Claudette was so pleased that her sister came to rescue her, but soon realized everyone was watching. Instead of thanking her sister she actually blamed her sister for the huge disturbance. Claudette knew her sister was about to be kicked out of the school and she did nothing about

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