The Peloponnesian War: The Spartan Society

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Spartan society was viewed as militaristic, but many factors showed that every gender and age had a part in Spartan society. A Greek historian, Thucydides, wrote this about the Spartan society during the Peloponnesian War, “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it” (Chandler). The Spartan military based society survived for almost a century and their battle strategies could not be broken. The males and females were treated as equals in the sense of normal living, but the men were still dominant in the way of war. The young men were training to become true Spartans, beginning at the age of 7 and the training did not end until the age…show more content…
For every Spartan citizen, there was a strong emphasis on military training and frugal living in communal mess halls where simple food such as barley meal, cheese, figs and wine were the norm. From the age of seven, young boys had a militaristic upbringing where they were separated into age groups and lived in barracks. These youths pursued rigorous athletic and military training which became even more demanding from the age of 20, when they joined common mess halls (Cartwright Online). The Spartans controlled their kid’s lives by showing them that they need to be the perfect Spartan by always following orders. The women also had a major role to play during tough times. Women were not ignored but thrived in Spartan society. Women in Sparta had a better lot than in other Greek city-states. In Sparta they could own property which they often gained through dowries and inheritances. In fact, women became amongst the richest members of society, as their men were killed in the many wars, and eventually controlled 2/5th of Spartan land. Women, men, boys, and girls, they all had a major role to play in Spartan society, but each could not survive without each and every…show more content…
The Spartans impressed their opponents by entering battle with their armor polished to a brilliant shine, garlanded as if taking part in a religious celebration, their bodies anointed with oil as if in an athletic competition. The Spartans were a feared group who were well known for their battle strategies and athletic ability. They struck fear into other groups and countries. They were also very cocky in what they said and did. They learned to intimidate their opponents with only a few words. The Spartans took pride in everything they did, from their armor to their battle strategies. To defend their territory against internal and external threats, the Spartans developed a way of life that created harmony among their citizen elite and produced a superior hoplite militia army. By 550, the Spartans were the leaders of the Peloponnese, making Sparta the leading state in

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