Examples Of Dualities In Romeo And Juliet

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“It's almost required with major artists that there's some [use of] dualities. And I've got duality everywhere.” -George Michael. Michael explains the importance of dualities in writing and art with this quote. He shows that they have great values and are critical to have in order to make a story more interesting and exciting for the reader. Without the element of dualities there is no way the plot can move along. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet the dualities of love and hate, and haste and deliberation, are two of the most prevalent opposites. There are countless others but these are the ones that jump to the forefront. Shakespeare employs these dualities in nearly every scene in Romeo and Juliet by using them to showcase…show more content…
He contrasts the moments of anxiousness and rashness in their relationship, but also shows a good deal of patience between the lovers. During the balcony scene Romeo is trying to convince Juliet to agree to a contract of love with him just hours after they meet. When he asks her, she declines because she says in this quote, “It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; too like the lightning” (II.ii.125-126), that it is to hasty. Although she agrees to marry him about ten minutes later, this shows that there is a sense of caution in their relationship which draws in the audience to make them more interested and hooked to read more. The Nurse also is very cautious for Juliet about her relationship with Romeo. After Romeo’s exile, she tries to convince Juliet that Paris is the one for her. She pleads, “I think you are happy in this second match, For it excels your first.” (III.V.173) This shows even more caution in the Romeo and Juliet relationship as the Nurse is trying to convince Juliet to forget about Romeo. She is also trying to persuade her to think about her other options in Paris. On the flipside, after the balcony scene, the lovers rush to Friar Lawrence to be wed. They beg him, “when and where and how we met and made exchange of vow I’ll tell thee as I pass, but this I pray, that thou consent to marry us today” (II.iii.65-68) He thinks it is a bad idea and questions them about if they are ready for the commitment, but they assure him they are. This act of haste brings pace to the story and gives a sense of relief to the audience as Romeo and Juliet are finally bonded. The haste and deliberation dualities are used well by Shakespeare to create different emotions for the readers as the lover’s relationship

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