The Pros And Cons Of Communism

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Communism is a failing form of government for many preeminent reasons. Communist believe in power, but fail to believe in democracy, and democracy is necessary for a succeeding country (China Discovered a Better Political System). Changing communism to become a positive and reliable form of government would be close to possible because of all of the faults in the plan. There are plenty of historical examples of past countries which have been led by communism and had issues and failures and because of that history, most countries have chosen to avoid the poor ruling system. The faulty effects of communism have caused a lack of liberty and excessive equality which has resulted in destruction and downfall (Why Socialism Failed). If communism…show more content…
The idea of communism was first presented by Karl Marx. Marx later studied political economics and Hegelian philosophy. Karl Marx was a philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist (Karl Marx). Communism, historically, was one of the most destructive forms of government (Communism). Mao Zedong once said, “Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy” (Ambition quotes). The Soviet union is one of the best historical examples of how communism is so destructive. Communism led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world's first communist led country that became one of the most powerful nations, until its rapid descent. Its collapse was called upon by the west of the Soviet Union as a victory for freedom (Communism). Communism is not a popular form of government today because of past failures, although there are still some countries, such as Cuba, that are currently ruled by communism. Cuba became a communist country through the revolution. It reduced illiteracy, got rid of racism and improved public health care, but was criticized for stopping economic and political freedoms of the people (Washington State
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