The Importance Of Real Love

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We're all looking for someone we can love and who loves us too. We'll want to spend as much time as possible with them, because we think make us happy. We'll do everything to keep that person in our life because we're afraid that we might never find someon like them. It's a little desperate if you think about it. We become attached and refuse to let go, even if the relationship is bad for us. Eminem gives a wonderful (and a little extreme) example in his song ["Desperation"]( Glorification of this state is very common in love songs and movies. It's portrait as the greatest source of happiness a human being can achieve in it's life, but there's an equal amount of songs and movies…show more content…
With real love, you love the people who love you, but you also love the people who hate you; you love the person you just met, and you love the people who wrong you; you love the people who help you, and you love the people who stand in your way. I know this seem crazy to almost everyone, but please hear me out because just considering this idea can improve your life immensely. The reason why you should love everyone is simple: it makes your life so muuuuuuuuuch better. Usually when you hear about loving your enemy, you're supposed to do it because it makes you a better person. Personally, I don't have an idea what a good person is. I just do what feels right to me. If it benefits others, that's great, but if it doesn't, that's perfectly fine with me too. I trust myself to make the right decision and starting to love everyone has made my life so much better. To help you understand why universal love is so great for you, let me explain what love actually is. First and foremost love is just a feeling that's located in your chest close to where your heart is. It's warm and fuzzy and very wonderful. That's pretty much it. You can direct that feeling at another person and when you do that, it's usually accompanied with wishes of well-being for the other…show more content…
At first, it will take an conscious effort, but over time, it'll become a habit and you'll be able to have that wonderful feeling all the
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