The Importance Of Ponds

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INTRODUCTION Ponds are defined as water bodies that may be natural or manmade, seasonal or permanent water bodies with a maximum depth of no more than 8m. Aquatic insects constitute an important part of animal production within wetlands. Aquatic insects as well as other wetland inhabitants such as fishes can be used as applicable biological monitoring indicators that reveal both short and long term environmental changes in both running and still water. Biological monitoring involves collecting, processing and analysing aquatic organisms to determine the health of an ecosystem and can be used to assess the water quality of ponds, streams, lakes etc. Biological monitoring can also be used to identify trends and possible future problems, determine whether or not a water body meets its designated use, identify the impact of pollution and pollution control activities and identifying what concentration of chemical pollutants are allowable should the use of the water body be maintained.…show more content…
This pond is about 300m from the neighbouring community of approximately 200 residents. It is approximately 100 sq. ft. in length. It is surrounded by a large number of numbers of trees and it houses many species of animals and aquatic
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