Growth Of Human Population

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Introduction Human population is currently increasing. At times in the past, the human population has stabilized and in some cases even decreased. The increase in population that we are seeing now is due to a food surplus for the global population. Unless there are great strides in agricultural innovation in the near future, the human population must slow down and eventually level out in order to make sure that the population size does not overshoot the food surplus; that level of population is called the carrying capacity. If Humans were to surpass the carrying capacity it would be met with great consequences such as famine, which can lead to increasing political unrest. A carrying capacity does exist for humans on earth, but it is not as…show more content…
Pre-agricultural revolution saw the human population hover at around 15 million , approximately the same size today as the urban population that lives in the urban area of Los Angeles. After the agricultural the world saw an approximant population of 389,774,828 in the 1400’s. This was actually a decrease of 4 million from the estimated population in the 1200’s of 393 million. Just as population growth began to stagnate, higher trade around the world introduced different crops to different climates, some of which thrived better than the local crops in the area and steady enhancement in agriculture which boosted crop yields such as the replacement of the wasteful 3-crop rotation system with the four crop rotation system created in England in the early 1700’s . During this time human population saw the greatest sustained increase in population ever. The current yearly growth rate sits at 1.1%Over the course of history the human population has nearly always been steadily increasing. Population generally grows with the…show more content…
With the increased availability of food and modern medicine, the infant mortality rates and life expectancy dropped and increased respectively. People didn’t change the amount of children they had (or attempting to have) immediately to make up for the changes in the life expectancy and drop in infant mortality. This change in life expectancy and infant mortality rates lead to the human population soaring. Since 1950, life expectancy has increased by nearly 20 years in less developed regions of the world as a result the world’s population increased by 250% in next 50 years. Today, the world is seeing a yearly population growth of approximately 75 million people every year. At this rate the human population is expected to reach 9 billion by approximately 2048. Contrary to popular belief, human population has actually begun to grow logarithmically since 1989. In fact the annual growth rate that peaked at 2.1% in 1968 has now fallen to 1.07%. This currently equates to 255 births per minute. Population growth is expected to stop by the end of the century at approximately 11 million. This decrease in population growth is attributed to modernization in areas such as the majority of sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Family Planning is one major factor to this decline. Countries such as

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