Major Themes In Charles Dickens Great Expectations

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Throughout Great Expectations, Dickens expresses the idea of wealth, and the great power and control it has over people. One character in particular, Pip, finds his life greatly impacted by finances, as he struggles to discover his true intentions and desires surrounding his relationships with others. However, through all this internal conflict, Pip begins to show just how often his value of wealth can fluctuate as he is faced with new obstacles. Therefore, this recurring idea that one’s viewpoint and value of wealth depends on the circumstances is one of the many major themes that Dickens sought to prove, and this same idea is significantly hinted at throughout much of his novel via the relationships of Pip. One relationship of Pip’s that acts in accordance…show more content…
Additionally, keeping in mind that at this moment in the story, Pip is still a lower class, common citizen, becoming a wealthy gentleman and winning Estella’s heart would mean everything to him. This shows just how dramatically his value of wealth has changed. Previously, Pip loved his way of life and never had much care involving money, but once he was lured in by Estella, he valued the notion of being financially well-off to please her greatly due to his impecunious circumstances. However, as the story progresses, Pip would inherit the wealth he desired, but it would not result in what he had previously hoped. This is shown when he returns to the Satis House for the first time since he moved to London. In this same event, he sees that Estella, who just came back from abroad, has grown to be much more beautiful than she was previously. However, once he looks into her eyes, he is deeply distressed. He states, “I fancied, as I looked at her, that I slipped hopelessly back into the course and common boy again. Oh, the sense of distance and disparity that came upon me, and the inaccessibility that came about her!”

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