Organizational Management & Leadership: A Christian Perspective

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Discussion Board Thread Organizational Management Definition Organizational Management is defined as “a subset of management and is the art of applying general principles of systematic planning and problem solving to skillfully direct and super united efforts to meet the organization’s goals.” Satterlee, A. (2013). Organizational Management & Leadership: A Christian Perspective (2nd ed., p. 4). Raleigh, NC: Synergistics International. Summary Organizational Management is not simply a theory. Organizational Management is an art that requires a creative use of resources and the knowledge and skill to act upon the functions of management. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.…show more content…
According to Anita Satterlee (2013) “Organizations succeed or fail on the basis of how well their leaders lead, but also on the basis of how well their followers follow.” An enraged workforce is quintessential to carrying out the general principles of organizational management. In the journal Review of Political Economics (2015) it is written that “Creating a sense of ownership, it is argued, has the potential to align the objectives of workers and other shareholders, giving employees a great sense of belongingness and thereby increasing their commitment to the firm.” Employees who are engaged and committed are more willing to share their thoughts and ideas during the planning stage. Employees (followers) can have a different view of the business than that of management. This viewpoint allows employees to give management valuable insight to the day-to-day activities of the…show more content…
Being an effective leader requires one to understand what motivates others. Satterlee (2013) explains that transformation leaders are leaders who “exhibit charisma, the ability to affect followers and inspire extraordinary accomplishments.” Employees who see their leaders being sensitive to their needs are more likely to be engaged. The word controlling can strike fear in employees. By nature, people do not like to be controlled. Upon additional research of the control function, one can see this function as a motivator instead of a de-motivator. The controlling function allows managers to correct any issues before actual results are delivered thus tying back to the “skillfully direct” portion of the definition of organizational management. Effective organizational management requires equipped leaders and willing followers. “A leader is one who has supreme confidence in himself and among his followers. The motivational style becomes effective only when a leader raises his subordinate’s confidence by inspiration. There could be various reasons for decline in a person’s self-esteem. The best way to boost their confidence is to inspire them and stir up their spirits by creative leadership skills.” (Ramanaiah & Balaji,

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