Pricing Strategy In Marketing

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A business can use a variety of pricing strategies when selling a product or service. The price can be set to maximize profitability for each unit sold or from the market overall. It can be used to defend an existing market from new entrants, to increase market share within a market or to enter a new market. Pricing is one of the most vital and highly demanded component within the theory of marketing mix.[2] It helps consumers to have an image of the standards the firm has to offer through their products, creating firms to have an exceptional reputation in the market. The firm's decision on the price of the product and the pricing strategy impacts the consumer's decision on whether or not to purchase the product. When firms are deciding to…show more content…
In real life this is not the case. The first thing that you need to find out is how responsive your market will be to a change in price. This responsiveness is called elasticity. Products such as eggs, razor blades and medicines are highly inelastic. That is, regardless of whether the prices are raised or lowered, customers continue to purchase them in approximately the same quantities. Customer demand for elastic products on the other hand fluctuates with the price. A small change in prices either up or down will result in an increase or decrease in the number of units sold. Good examples of these are television sets, strawberries, clothing etc. As a rule, items that are considered to be necessities are less elastic than those that are considered to be luxuries. This is because the customer needs them regardless of the price (for example, the person who has a headache does not wait until aspirin comes down in price before buying it, they need to get rid of the headache immediately and price is not an…show more content…
Well for one thing, the more elastic your product then the easier it is to raise your prices without hurting your sales. To increase your profits on highly elastic products rather than raising your prices you might try lowering them. Because although this reduces your profit on each unit sold the resulted increase in sales volume will probably increase your overall profits. Price, cost and value Price is the amount of money that is paid when something is bought or sold, or when a service is provided. An article may have more than one price (for example, a cash price and a credit price) and as we all know, the same article may have different prices in different shops. Nevertheless, the price involved in a specific transaction is usually known precisely and is the same for both the buyer and the seller. Cost is the amount of money that must be paid in order to obtain something. Cost may be the same as price, but it is often not. For instance, if you buy a piece of equipment, you may pay a certain price, but before you use it you have to spend more money to have it delivered and installed. This means that costs can be additive. That is, the installed cost is the total of the price plus delivery cost, plus installation cost. There are many different kinds of cost of course - total cost, marginal cost, direct cost, out of pocket cost and so on. The purpose for which cost is to be used determines the correct cost to

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