The Importance Of Hope In Nursing Care

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I did not want to give Mr Smith hope that was inappropriate, for example telling him he would be healthy and that they would treat his illness. I did not know whether this was possible or not. However, this made me feel heartbroken for him because I wanted him to remain positive. It also made me think about how I would want my own relative to feel if I was in his position. I also wanted Mr Smith to keep that joy he expressed of the love he had for his nieces and nephews. I wanted him to be able to enjoy the last moments he has with them and his siblings. As a person, it is not unusual for me to link my personal experiences or emotions to the care I provide (Wilson and Kirshbaum, 2011), that is why I felt sad for Mr Smith. I was not also knowledgeable about how to give him hope or understand hope meant to patients with a terminal illness. Instinctively I felt like I needed to give Mr Smith some encouragement. This…show more content…
Nursing care allows for the relationship between the nurse and the patient to develop on a deeper understanding. This also allows the patient to have trust in the health care professionals. From research, it is evident that hope also has a connection to a patient’s quality of life (Smith, 2014). Through literature I have learnt that providing basic nursing care is a way for me to give and sustain the hope patients may have. As a student nurse I was not in the place to tell the patient he would recover or get worse, but I was able to be present form him. I was able to assist Mr Smith with simple nursing care such as offering him a cup of tea or offering to tidy his personal belongings and dressing his bed. From the literature, I have also gained the understanding that this is sometimes all the patient needs. It made me feel confident in that I could make Mr Smith comfortable and relaxed at that

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