Impact Of Culture In Negotiation

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Negotiations and culture: Negotiating is a term used a great deal nowadays, in newspapers, on television, and on radio. It often seems to imply that only large companies or whole countries are involved and not just individuals. In international business, face to face negotiations could happen with partners or customers from foreign countries. Thus, managers who are in charge from different cultures have to sit and talk with one another to exchange ideas and express needs and preferences. Culture playing a huge role in negotiations, it influences how people think, communicate, and behave. Thus, to understand cultural differences will help to create a success and long-term relationships for the business. Deal makers from some cultures;…show more content…
Consider the culture of your customers and business partners, but treat them as individuals. The impact of culture on international negotiations: Cultural differences in negotiation styles can cause problems in international business negotiations. National culture does not define negotiation behavior. National culture is jus one of many factors that influence behavior at the negotiation table, international experience, industry or regional background can all be important influences as well. The international negotiators must get to know the people they are working with, not just their culture, country, or company. Win-Win negotiation: business people approach deal-making with one of two basic attitudes. The first attitude regards negotiation as a struggle in which only one side wins and the other side loses, known as a win- lose attitude. The second one treats the negotiation as a process in which both sides can gain something, also referred to as a win-win approach (Salacuse, 2005, p.2). It could be argued that these approaches influence what kind of strategy a negotiator uses throughout the negotiation, a distributive or an integrative…show more content…
This would be in synchrony with the view that, as an egalitarian culture (Brett at al. 1998; Hofstede 1980), the negotiators from the United Sates do not consider distributive tactics to be appropriate in a negotiation (Adair at al. 2004, p. 94). In addition, Indian negotiators have a partiality for win-lose outcomes, however, they embody a clear preference for a win-win outcome as well. When negotiators from India and the United States negotiate with each other, opposing attitudes can cause problems for the beneficial outcome of the transaction. To exemplify, if the United States representative is approaching the negotiation as a win-win process and as such is aiming to achieve an agreement that is advantageous for both sides and is met by an Indian representative whose only goal is to win a confrontation, then their approaches and attitudes will certainly clash and cause problems throughout the
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