The Importance Of Cancer In India

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WILL INDIA WIN THE CANCER BATTLE As the second most popular nation and one of the fastest growing major countries, India faces many Challenges, but one which is often overloaded is the prevention of cancer cure. As per Indian population census data, the rate of mortality due to cancers in India is alarmingly high. Cancer prevalence In India is estimated to be around 2.5 million with over 8, 00,000 new cases and 5, 50,000 deaths occurring each year due to this disease in the country. Cancer is dreadful disease, but the fear often rises out of ignorance and misconception, rather than any reality. As per Boston consulting group study, 70-80 % of cancer patients are diagnosed late when treatment is less efficient, 60% of them do not have quality cancer treatment. There are only 300 cancer centres in India, 40% of them are not properly equipped with advanced cancer care equipment. Nearly 600 additional centres are required by 2020.…show more content…
The pattern of cancer has changed over the years. The common sites for cancer are oral cavity (11.2%) , lungs( 6.8%), Oesophagus (8.3%), stomach, prostrate gland in males and cervix (26.7%), breast (16.6%) and oral cavity (11%) among females according to Hospital Based Cancer Registry (HBCR) .Cancer have profound social and economic consequences for people in India, often leading to family impoverishment and societal inequity. Increase in lifespan of common Indian, sedentary lifestyles are becoming few causes for cancer

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