W. E. B. Dubois's The Autobiography Of Malcolm X

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The black community in America came together around several different, even opposing, strategies to protest the political and social order in which they were discriminated against and even killed just because of the color of their skin. Men like Booker T. Washington encouraged African-American’s to gain political influence by gaining the respect and admiration of white people through working hard and being humble in conduct. W.E.B. DuBois demanded for political empowerment. Marcus Garvey wanted black people to just pack up a return to Africa, challenging that black people should depend on upon their own unity and produce their own path to empowerment, rather than using white methods to gain power . Garvey impacted many African- Americans, one of these African-American was…show more content…
During 1960s known as the Civil Rights Movement era, Malcolm X rose to international fame himself. Malcom was and continues to be contrasted with those of his contemporary, Martin Luther King, Jr., although Malcolm X’s aggressiveness continues to be misinterpreted and exaggerated by many. For most people, religion is something that only takes significance in church, temple, or mosques. In The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Malcom changes from being a skeptic, into following the Nation of Islam, and then lastly into a supporter of Eastern Islamic ideology. Although he is mainly remembered for being a Black Muslim, we see more moments of his activism than his preaching. For Malcom religion was about living everyday life, not about the afterlife. A good portion of The Autobiography of Malcolm X is centered on Malcom’s conversion to Islam. Malcolm's conversion experience is classic in that he had dropped into a pit off depravity just before he accepts Islam through Elijah Muhammad and his Nation of Islam. Malcolm’s conversion takes place while he is still in prison, a place in which Malcolm had so much time alone in

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