The Advantage Of Chocolate

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Chocolate! A confectionary food that is loved by billions of people around the world. From little kids to teenagers to adults, no one can resist its unique taste that fits for every individual. Chocolate is usually used as the main flavoring to different sweets and pastries such as cakes, ice cream, candies, cookies, brownies, tarts and more. Because of its popularity and high demand on the market, in the year 2020 the world will suffer “a worldwide shortage of cocoa,” according to Ruki Sayid (2013). As a result of this problem, the price of cacao beans became more expensive. Started in the year 2012, its price has risen above 60% (Ferdman, 2014). Other than that, the characteristic and taste of chocolate products would be changed in the next…show more content…
Roberto Ferdman (2014) of The Washington Post said that “Last year, the world ate roughly 70,000 metric tons more cocoa than it produced. By 2020, the two chocolate-makers (Mars Inc. and Barry Callebaut) warn that that number could swell to 1 million metric tons, a more than 14-fold increase; by 2030, they think the deficit could reach 2 million metric tons.” Because of these, even the largest manufacturing countries like the Ivory Coast and Ghana, where above 70% of chocolate production worldwide was manufactured, will unable to supply adequate amount of cocoa beans in the…show more content…
It was first discovered in Columbia in the 1900’s. This disease was caused by a fungus which grows and looks like a white frost in the cacao pod’s surface and causes them to turn black and rotten. It affects the young growing pods of the cacao tree and the symptoms of it will only show about 1 to 3 months. Based on the information provided, approximately 30-40% of chocolate worldwide output were losses because of the effect of this disease (ICO, 2015). As a result, the cacao seeds in an affected cacao pod cannot be used and sold in the market due to its rejected

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