Elements Of Packaging

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Nowadays, packaging is a main element of a whole marketing strategy, serving not only as a container, but also as a way to communicate with the customers (Robertson, 1990). From the company point of view, the design of packaging is of major importance because it has to be the mean of communicating to people from different backgrounds, interests, and experiences (Klimchuk et al., 2006). It informs consumers of the qualities and benefits that they are going to obtain if they consume a certain product (Giovannetti, 1995). The design of the packaging should also lead consumers to notice its messages (Nancarrow et al., 1998). From the consumer perspective, packaging plays an important role, given that it is the first thing that consumers see…show more content…
Thus, only through the package design, the value or the origin of the product can be communicated. Each element of the packaging communicates different messages to the consumers. Elements of the packaging Elements composing the packaging can be categorized under two elements: the verbal and non-verbal aspects. Verbal elements are the information on the packaging, such as claims and description, while non-verbal ones are the color, imagery, typography and materials used for the packaging (Dobson et al, 2012). Dobson & Yadav (2012) state that non-verbal elements of the packaging influence purchase decisions more than verbal elements. Some elements composing the packaging must be determined precisely, because they convey information to consumers. The first element is the form and the design of the packaging. The shape of the packaging is used to: provide technical functions, such as containing and protecting, identify the nature of the product and identify the brand. The form of a packaging is therefore a factor of positioning: it identifies the offer and constitutes a source of…show more content…
Colors have symbolic connotations that vary according to the categories of products and cultures. They identify the nature of the product, the brand and the positioning. For example, in the chocolate market, the red color evokes dark chocolates while the blue color induces whole milk chocolate. Color is one of the most distinctive feature and that is the reason why it is one of the first elements that consumers notice about a product packaging (Pinero et al., 2010). Literature suggests that different colors are used to convey different messages such as price, quality, etc. (Klimchuk et al, 2006). Black and gold colors products are generally high quality ones, such as coffee or chocolate market. Green color symbolizes the nature, life, and is used a lot for natural products. Color is generally used as the main attributes of a brand but it can also be related to the perception of a product’s

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