The Great Gatsby Flaws

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Albert Einstein once said, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe” ("Quote Investigator"). Life is an endless journey with new experiences everyday. However, whether these experiences create progress is made is debatable. In the past few centuries, we have made numerous advances in science, such as the discovery of dark matters and the invention of rockets. Unfortunately, we are still at the same place for copious social issues. Gender inequality, racial discrimination, and animosity between countries are just few of the social problems we still encounter today. Instead of moving forward, we are stuck in our stupidity, unable to ameliorate the world. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby,…show more content…
Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man from the East Egg, uses money to avoid punishments he deserves. Not long after his moraine with Daisy, he cheats with another woman named Myrtle. Not only does Tom disrespect Myrtle, he also physically abuses her as if she is an underling. In fact, Tom broke her nose when she said something that did not please him. However, these outrageous actions did not get Tom in trouble, as Myrtle and Daisy both love his big fortune. They both view him as their money-making machine. In a sense, he is using money to buy love and emancipation from his sins. Today, many people perform similar actions. Recently, Ray Rice, a famous NFL football player, physically abused his fiancé to the extent where she is unable to walk out of the elevator herself. Instead of being jailed, he sought 3.52 million dollars for the court to release him for the case. By using money, he has bought himself out of the punishment he deserves. He believes that it can undo all the harm he did, and eradicate all the immorality of this event. It is as if the event has not happened at all! Clearly, people today still believe money is the panacea of problems, and use it to avoid…show more content…
In Raisin in the Sun, Mama has been obstructed to move into her house peacefully as her family is African American. The neighbors complain that they have a right to live peacefully, and Mama’s family would cause disturbance in the neighborhood due to her race. Even after showing that they are well behaved and will not cause havoc within the community, the neighbors are still reluctant to let the family move into their community, with its race as the only reason. Unfortunately, racism still exists today. Missouri’s recent Ferguson shooting shows that racism is still an apparent issue in our society today. A police shot an innocent teenager, Michael Brown, for no reason. However, the police was indicted. Consisting of nine whites and three African Americans, the court has a majority believing in the police’s innocence. Sadly, they do not realize the racism that exists in this event. According to witnesses, on the day the police shot Brown, a witness wrote in his journal: “Well I’m gonna take my random drive to Florissant. Need to understand the Black race better so I stop calling Blacks Niggers and start calling them people.” Clearly, racism is still an issue in our society, and we are still at the same place as we were before Martin Luther King Jr.’s Civil Rights
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