The Dying Game Quotes

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Summary Sara Shepard’s The Lying Game takes place in Tucson, Arizona, where Emma Paxton’s long lost, identical twin sister, Sutton Mercer, lives the perfect life of a teenage girl. However, the twins were separated before they could remember. Sutton had been adopted and Emma had not had the same luck as Sutton, instead she grew up living in different foster homes. When Emma finds Sutton on Facebook, she travels to Tucson in hopes to reunite with her twin sister, not knowing her sister has been murdered before they could meet. Emma’s arrival in Tucson puts her life at risk. Sutton’s unknown murderer threatens to kill Emma unless she replaces Sutton and pretends to be her. Unwillingly, Emma has to continue the life Sutton has left behind, but now, with a purpose to uncover her sister’s death. Character Analysis…show more content…
Emma is one of the main characters, she is very genuine and carries a kind heart. After being a foster kid most of her life, she feels alone and wishes to have a family, something she never had. For example, “Emma has invented the Mom, Dad, and Emma stars in the sky not based on anything she’d known, but instead on what she wished she’d had” (Shepard 8). This quote shows that she invented the mom, dad, and Emma stars wishing her family was together like the stars were. At the age of 5, Emma was abandoned by her mother and was put into Foster Care. As the story progresses, Emma finds a girl on Facebook, Sutton Mercer. Sutton looks identical to herself, and it gives Emma hope she has a twin sister that she can hopefully reunite with. For example, Emma “felt scared and hopeful and confused, too. Maybe it was real. Maybe we were twins” (Shepard 35). This quote shows that Emma hopes Sutton is her twin. Finding Emma’s possible twin sister made her want to meet Sutton, hoping to finally have a

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