would you spread to others if you knew that it would be your last chance? Randy Pausch spoke about achieving his childhood dreams in his final lecture and encouraged his students to lead their lives in an efficient and optimistic way so that they would be able to achieve their dreams more readily. In his book, The Last Lecture, Pausch explores key points in his life through a series of anecdotes. Within these anecdotes Pausch discusses many themes such as courage, optimism and achieving one’s dreams
Death is good. Death made a man named Randy Pausch reflect highly on his life. Through this reflection, Pausch created an astonishing memoir that will forever be cherished as a guide to life as well as a lifestyle choice. This indistinguishable memoir serves as a role model to following dreams for all people no matter the age, experience, or culture. It is easily accessible to all, due to the fact that it has been translated into forty-eight different languages as well as sold over five million copies