The Creation Of Adam Essay

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The Creation Of Adam The High Renaissance was when painting, sculpture, and architecture were flourishing in Italy. When we hear the word Renaissance most of us think of the high renaissance artists Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo. We will discuss the Artist Michelangelo the beginning of his life, one his most famous paintings The Creation Of Adam and the myth behind this beautiful masterpiece. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was born on March 6 1475 in Caprese, Italy. During his childhood he wasn’t interested in going to school, instead he would watch painters in the nearby churches and would draw things he would see. Michelangelo became an apprentice to the artist Domenico Ghirlando, and learned a painting technique fresco, which allows the artist to paint on wet plaster so that it dries and the painting is embedded into the plaster. (The American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition.) ( Editors,” Michelangelo Biography Painter, Architect, Poet, Sculptor (1475–1564)”) One year after working with…show more content…
When God created man we were all close to him, this painting shows the intimate touch between god and Adam. According to Italian “This touch will not only give life to Adam, but will give life to all mankind. It is, therefore, the birth of the human race (, "Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam”)”. The picture also shows that when god was creating man kind we were at our closest to him also agrees with statement when they said “This correspondence of one form to the other seems to underscore the larger idea of Man corresponding to God; that is, it seems to reflect the idea that Man has been created in the image and likeness of God (, "Michelangelo’s Creation of
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