The Compromise: The Cause Of The Civil War

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The Compromise was set in place to settle disputes among the free states and the slave states. This event was part of the early American time, it is significant to United States history, and has factors in causing the Civil War. Some of America's most known people were part of this hard time. Henry Clay put this arrangement into action to settle the fighting among free and slave states. The terms if this agreement were: California is brought into the Union as a free state. Utah and New Mexico are allowed to decide their position on slavery. Texas- New Mexico boundary dispute will be resolved by the Federal government paying $10 million for Texas. Sale of slaves is prohibited in District of Columbia (Washington D.C.). And the Fugitive Slave Act must be taken seriously. (Required northerners to capture and return runaway slaves). After Mr. Clay died, Stephen A. Douglas took up the political fight. He took the compromise and split the terms up into individual bills. The political heads then took a vote on each bill.…show more content…
Rather than North and South. When California came into the union as a free state, the southerners argued for balance. So Texas was brought in as a slave state. All territories were made free states, and the District of Columbia stayed free. But it is strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act. The Compromise of 1850 prompted the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas, the Dred Scott case, and the Harper's Ferry Raid. These events caused major blood shed. Debates over the bills pushed the North and South farther and farther away from each other. There was continuous conflict between the free states and slave states. The southerners believed it their right to own people. While, northerners believed it was wrong to possess human beings. Furthermore, many northerners refused to aid in returning Fugitive slaves, which enraged the

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