Civil War Turning Point

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There were many turning points during this time period causing America to suddenly take action. The bloodiest one day battle in American history and the first major battle of the Civil War, was the Battle of Antietam in 1862, which was the first battle to be fought on northern soil. It ended the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia’s first invasion into the North. although it ending up freeing no one, it expanded the aim of the war to abolition of slavery. Another turning point in our country was The Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. Robert E. Lee thought to end the war with an invasion of the North. The battle lasted three days and it successfully settled the war. The outcome of the civil war led to reconstruction. Reconstruction was a time…show more content…
The discovery of gold on Native American lands sparked the war and tensions grew between the two groups. The Sioux won the war. The Compromise of 1877 was a political compromise that ended the presidential election dispute. The two parties, Republicans and Democrats, disagreed over the electoral votes of South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. The two parties negotiated allowing the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become president. Hayes recalled the commanding army out of the South, in return. This compromise ended reconstruction which also left black Americans to protect for themselves in hostile…show more content…
Dynamite was invented in 1867 as it was made to be a safer explosive. Alfred Nobel is from Sweden and he invented dynamite because of an explosive that killed his younger brother, so he worked on something safer. His 355 patents made him very wealthy so he developed Nobel Prizes, which are something people get awarded when doing something honorable. A form of artillery was invented in 1862 which changed warfare as a whole. John Ericsson invented The USS Monitor which pleased the North. This was a ship with a rotating gun which was very beneficial. Later in the year, the Machine Gun was introduced and patented by Richard Gatling. It was called the Gatling Gun and it was very profitable because how much bullets it needed. It would shoot two hundred loads per minute which was very impressive at that time. The development of the Typewriter was issued in 1868 by Christoper Scholes. He and two others, Carlos Glidden and Samuel Soule created this invention together, but he then bought out their shares and made it his own. Due to the continuous jamming of the keys, he had to rearrange them in QWERTY to avoid that one particular
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