Southern Chivalry Cartoon Analysis

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The American Civil War was fought between 1861 and 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Before the Civil War, tensions arose because of the differences in the southern and northern states of America. Slavery was one of the central causes of tension between the regions. Additionally, sectionalism became the principal cause of disputes. Undoubtedly, the Civil War became inevitable because sectional differences grew beyond the capacity for compromise. The American Civil War was unavoidable considering the issue of slavery between the regions of the United States. In 1849, California requested permission to enter the Union as a free state. This request upset the balance between the free and slave states in the U.S. Senate. Therefore, senator Henry Clay proposed the Compromise of 1850 to prevent a major crisis between the North and South. This compromise averted certain issues, but it did not avoid the…show more content…
The “Southern Chivalry” cartoon illustrates the beating of anti-slavery Senator Charles Sumner by Preston “Bully” Brooks. The intensity of feeling and the resulting difficulty of compromise between the regions is portrayed in this cartoon. The North and South also had sectional economies, which resulted in certain problems. The North consisted of urbanization while the South was based on plantation agriculture with slave labor. The North relied on slave labor for the production of popular crops. Specifically, cotton was not only important to the South but also important to the national economy. James Henry Hammond, of South Carolina argued, “The South is perfectly competent to go on, one, two, or three year, without planting a seed of cotton”. Hammond’s view that cotton made the South invulnerable increased the secession of slavery. Economical differences caused issues and eventually led to the Civil

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