The Christian Reformed Church

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The Christian Reformed Church struggled with the invention of movies and their popularity. The conservative nature of this denomination caused them to withdraw from the film industry as to not let the issue of movie-going get out of hand, which it did anyway. The CRC did not attempt to reform the business in a Christian –like manner; instead they left it to its own devices. The debate was rooted in the common grace doctrine and the antithesis doctrine. Common grace admits to the fact that all of God’s living creation, all animals, believers and non-believers alike, are recipients of His gifts. On the other side of this awareness, antithesis puts a fine divide in the world: it says that each and every thing, place, person, or idea is either an article of God or an article of Satan. (This does not really make…show more content…
Regardless, the CRC members attended movies, and when the church gave the decision to the people to decide for themselves whether movies were moral or not, attendance really spiked. The movies were supposedly shaking the foundation of the family especially with the introduction of tvs in homes. Nowadays, entertainment is everywhere. The younger generation has not learned to appreciate the newer art forms because they have never been taught how to do so with the withdrawal of the CRC from mainstream culture. I grew up in the Reformed Church, not the Christian Reformed Church, which I knew were different. All I knew was that the CRC was stricter, and they went to Christian school. I went to public school, so I was probably exposed to more entertainment in school that the private schools may have deemed inappropriate for viewing. Impurity, violence, and vulgar language was not out of the ordinary, but most of the students and teachers were Christian so the exposure was more limited than you would expect most other public
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