Good Questions For Kant's Good Will

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Meseret Fesseha 816013088 22667 Exam 1 1. A. Explain as fully as possible Kant’s Good Will. What are those categories of things that according to Kant are good but are not good without qualification? Why is that so for Kant? When is the will a good will? (10 points) Kant’s Good Will is when someone’s good will is good without any conditions or qualifications. Kant’s Good Will focuses on good will and good intentions, so you can’t have a good will without good intentions. People may have good qualities, but without good will (good intentions), the outcome isn’t desirable. The categories of things that are good but are not good without qualifications are qualities of temperaments, talents of the mind, and gifts of fortune/nature. This is so for Kant because certain qualities that a person has aren’t good if their intentions aren’t good. An example is a person who has the gift of being wealthy. If they waste their fortune on miscellaneous things instead of helping a needy family, they’re not following a good will. The will is a good will when the intention is pure and done for the right reasons. B. Explain as fully as possible Kant’s categorical…show more content…
The categorical imperative doesn’t depend on something an individual wants, but focuses on what has to be done, the duty. Hypothetical imperative is different from the categorical imperative because the hypothetical imperative occurs when there is a condition in order for an individual to get something they want. An example would be a person who wants to become a doctor. In order to do so, they have many steps to overcome, such as receiving a bachelor’s degree in science, maintaining a high GPA, taking the MCAT, and getting into medical school. For Kant, the moral imperative is the categorical imperative because the categorical imperative focuses on what needs to be done and the morally right thing needed to be

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