Precious Movie Essay

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Precious is a movie that is based on the novel “Push’’ by Sapphire, that was written in 1996. Precious is a drama that was written by Geoffrey Fletcher and directed by Lee Daniels. The movie is set in New York City in 1987, the main character Clareece “Precious’’ Jones is an overweight, illiterate, abused teen who is pregnant with her second child. Precious enrolls in an Alternative school so that she can ultimately change her life and be a better mother for her children. The movie Precious is a heartbreaking and riveting film that is filled with hope and optimism. Although the movie is very dark, the purpose of the movie is to make the viewer of the movie have sympathy for Precious. The storyline and the characters in Precious helps the viewer to have sympathy for the Precious. The…show more content…
Out of all of the characters in the movie, Ms. Rain(Paula Patton) plays a huge role in Precious life. Ms. Rain is Precious’s new teacher when she transfers to the alternative school. At first Precious was not really willing to learn but, Ms. Rain saw potential in Precious and helped her reach certain goals. Once Precious transferred to the alternative school she meet a group of girls who ultimately all become friends. The friends also had a huge impact on precious as well, they were present at the birth of her second child and they were there in general for her. Precious’s mother, Mary, had a negative impact on precious life. Mary was abusing Precious mentally and emotionally, she was the cause of Precious being molested, and she definitely lowered Precious self esteem. Every character except of Mary has sympathy for Precious, even the nurse who helped delivered Precious’s second child. Mary is angry at Precious because, Mary’s boyfriend loved precious more than he loved her. Precious definitely overcame trials and tribulations and she also had a lot of

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