Ethical Theories Of Virtue Analysis

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Virtue can differ from other Ethical theories. Virtue ethics is “the normative theory that maintains the focus of morality, which is habits, dispositions, and character traits” (Mackinnon, 2015). The definition of virtue can be defined as what you think about the people you admire such as the qualities they possess, their personality traits, or what makes them a good person. Some traits that people possess are courageous, kind, honest, generous, loyal, fair, and hospitable (Mackinnon, 2015). Virtue can be described as something that we ought to do as opposed to something we should do (Mackinnon, 2015). Compared to other ethical theories virtue focuses on the qualities of a person by judging their character instead of their behavioral actions as just, fair, or ethical (Rainbow, 2002).…show more content…
The deontology theory states that a person is to follow their duties and obligations when encountered by a dilemma. This theory bases what is ethically correct if the individual follows their duties and what they are supposed to do. The example used by Rainbow with the older brother having an obligation to protect his little sister to cross the street shows he did what was ethically correct because that was his duty to take care of his sister. Someone who is late for a meeting at work is conflicted to either speed in order to arrive on time or walk into work late (Rainbow, 2002). Although this individual knows if they speed they are not following the law and are breaking their duty as a citizen, but they are also breaking their duty at work by arriving late. This individual is conflicted with his obligations leaving it unclear as to what is more right. These examples show that there are no guidelines for deciding a person’s duty, which make it unclear as to which obligation is morally right to

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