The Change In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

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In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain, Tom is very immature, but experiences many life-changing events that force him to maturate. He experiences the murder of Dr. Robinson, feeling homesick at Jackson’s Island, and being trapped with Becky in McDougall's Cave. In the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain, Tom experiences many life-Changing events and overall becomes very mature. Before Tom maturated he was always doing childish and mischievous things. One day Tom ditched school to go swimming then changed the thread on his shirt. When he got home his Aunt Polly figured out that he ditched school and then she made him whitewash the fence the next day. Also, he tricked a lot of kids in St. Petersburg into thinking that whitewashing a fence was fun and he made them all pay him to do it. Things like this are the mischievous and immature things Tom would do, but he experienced many tragic incidents that changed him forever. “He was not bad, so to say, only mischievous. Only just giddy, and harum-scarum, you know. He was not any more responsible than a colt, He never meant any harm, and he was the best-hearted boy that ever was.” (Twain…show more content…
When Tom experienced Injun Joe stabbing and killing Dr. Robinson with a knife he was changed forever. He was afraid that Injun Joe was coming after him so him and his friends, Huck, and Joe, went to Jackson’s Island to be away from all the stress. Once they stayed for a few days they realized that the town thought that they were dead. They came back to town and went to their own funeral. Tom and Becky ran into McDougall’s Cave together thinking that it would fun to explore and found themselves lost, starving, and parched. They had cake leftover from Becky’s birthday party, but Becky devoured her cake and Tom savoured his. Then Becky became hungry and Tom was mature and gave her half of his cake. Tom kept maturating like this until he was fully

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