Tom Sawyer Analysis Essay

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Mark Twain’s marriage with Olivia Langdon in 1870 made him to move to Buffalo, New York and then later he migrated to Hartford, Connecticut. Though he had four children namely Langdon, Susy, Clara, and Jean, Langdon died in 1872. From 1872 to 1880 he gave many lectures in the Unites States as well as in England and the number of his audience gradually increased. They were attracted by his sense of humor and his ideas were strongly put forth without any hesitation. His style and impromptu speech made many to turn to his lectures. He was then identified as a famous speaker than a writer. He gradually has started registering his ideas about the American society his yet another skill was revealed to the world. He became the ardent critic of his…show more content…
The novel speaks about an inventive and mischievous boy Tom Sawyer who lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid in the Mississippi River town St. Petersburg. He spends his time joyfully from Friday to Sunday by cheating Aunt Polly every possible way. His pass time are fishing, swimming, loitering in the village and playing with his friends along the riverside. Aunt Polly gives him little punishments but he knows the art of transforming her punishments to sweet entertainment. The white washing anecdote stands as the best example for his cleverness. His friendship with the abandoned child Huckleberry Finn shows his concern and care. His humanitarian approach has attracted the attention of many and he is viewed either as a representative of Mark Twain or Mark Twain himself. A serious hint runs through the elevated and lofty humor and bold pronouncement beneath the innocence of childhood creates a fascinating environment to read the novel again and again. Mark Twain is the master in the art of balancing between humorous escapades and serious issues such as superstitions, murder and revenge, starvation and slavery that threaten the American society as a

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