The Alchemist

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Recently I have read half of Paulo Coelho’s inspiring novel called, “The alchemist.” This novel explores what one’s personal legend is and how it drives their life. The story is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who had multiple dreams about a hidden treasure buried in the Egyptian pyramids. He soon realized that his dream is true and it was his personal legend to accomplish it. Therefore, he goes on a quest to seek the hidden treasure. He traveled from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian deserts in order to reach the pyramids. During his journey he met a gypsy woman, a man who called himself the king of Salem and an alchemist, all of whom pointed out the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasures is, or if Santiago…show more content…
During his job as a crystal merchant’s assistant, he did not receive a high salary because the merchant’s store sold a very few amount of crystal items. This was because the shop was on a hill that was difficult to climb. Therefore, Santiago decided to create a display that he would put at the bottom of the hill, so people coming by the hill can become interested to buy those crystal items. Lastly, the internal conflict of the novel is man versus himself. This is because in the novel, Santiago kept on changing is decisions on if he should stay as a shepherd or go on his personal legend to find the hidden treasure. Soon the thought of going on an adventure and being rich persuaded him to go on his personal legend. However, along his journey to accomplish his personal legend, he decided to make a “U” turn to his old life as a Shepherd boy after going through some harsh moments. In the end, he reclaimed his decision of going back to his old life, due to some omens he received and the fact that he realized he was still young and could go back to being a shepherd…show more content…
For instance, when Santiago was on his journey to the pyramids he entrusted his belongings to a boy his age. Later on, as the boy walks with him through the crowded city of Tangier he suddenly disappears with Santiago’s belongings. Santiago realizes he got robbed which causes him to develop tremendous amount of grieve for himself and then blames God for his disaster. He blamed God for being so unfair because he didn’t protect him when he entered the strange land that he knew not about. I can clearly relate to this, as I have been in many situations myself where I arrogantly blame God for my mistakes. I recall once during my elementary years, I was slacking off the day before a huge unit test for Math and when it happened I remembered I was struggling with it. However, I kept optimistic thoughts until the day I received the test and found out that I had got a sixty-one percent. I remember being very mad at God for my horrible mark and lack of success, but soon I realized it was my mistake for not being responsible. I believe this is something that’s part of human nature, when something rebels against an individual who fight back because of their disadvantages. Then they blame something or someone else in order to feel innocent. For instance, in the case of Santiago he was gullible enough to entrust his belongings to a stranger, lose them and then blame God.

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