Beowulf Rhetorical Analysis

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“A prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel,” (“Beowulf” 352). The epic poem Beowulf is the song of how the great and noble Beowulf vanquished evils from the realm of man. This song was first sung by scops as a tale to please kings and lords, later in history the poem was transcribed by Christen monks around the year 597 AD. The scops, and monks used their unique diction, keening’s, and alliteration to describe the great, noble, Beowulf and his actions. The use of alliteration is very common in this epic poem, the use of the resonant consonant sound makes the long poem easier to memorize for the scops, and is used to show off how great Beowulf is. “Was there a warrior worthier to rule over men.” (383). The scops used the alliterated consonant sounds to accent the phrase. This sound shows how Beowulf is the warrior that is the hero Herot needs.…show more content…
“Surely the Lord Almighty—Could stop his madness, smother his lust!” (212-213). In this context the monk’s do not compare Beowulf to God, the monk’s describe how Beowulf is the only man who can solve their problem by slaying Grendel. The Christen monks also used keening’s to describe Beowulf is the noble upstanding man for all to have a role model. “Beowulf,/ A prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel,” (351-352). The monks used this keening to describe how this brave prince of man, soldier of The Almighty had slain the fiend

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