The Alchemist Thesis

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The book I chose to read was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I picked this book because it seemed really good and it was recommended to me by friends that have already read the book. It was also the only book that I owned that was on the book list. The premise of this book is the quest for self and knowledge of the world. In the story the main character Santiago, who is a shepherd that had dreams about the Egyptian pyramids. After he talks to a gypsy, he decides to go and find out what his dreams mean. On his journey he meets people and he learns the way of the world. 2. Favorite Section/Quotations This book not only has a good message, it also has inspirational quotes. While talking to the camel driver Santiago learned that when the driver's…show more content…
Another quote that has a very strong message is when Santiago was talking to the alchemist and the alchemist said “every search begins with beginner's luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested”(Coelho 132). This strongly signifies that your luck and faith will be tested every day. While traveling with the alchemist he started talking to his heart and his heart said to him “Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart”(Coelho 159). To me this quote means that Everything you are looking for is inside of you. The real treasure is knowing and understanding yourself. Not all treasure is found in the form of…show more content…
He doubted himself twice. Once with the crystal merchant. When Santiago first got to Africa he got robbed of all his money so he found the crystal merchant. Santiago offered to clean all of the crystals in the window. After telling the merchant his plan of getting to Egypt the merchant told him it wasn't possible to get money to go in a day. “No hope, no adventure, no old kings or Personal Legends, no treasure, and no Pyramids. It was as if the world had fallen silent because the boy’s soul had”(Coelho 47). He felt like he had nothing left and that he would not be able to finally understand what his dreams

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