The Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Essay

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Across Disciplines The story The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian has informed me on the subjects of immigration, but also how Indians live on reservations. Indians on reservations seem not to have very good lives or at least in this book. Even though you might say that Indian lives must be great because they live for free and must be rich thanks to the casinos. That is not true, though because the only ones getting money for the casinos are the workers and they casino doesn't help the reservation. On page 195,” I knew that two or three of these Indians didn't eat breakfast that morning. No food in their house. I know that seven or eight of these Indians had drunks for mothers and fathers.” When the people outside the reservation…show more content…
I to would ask my parents to get a transfer to Reardan because it seems like no one likes him and the only people on the reservations are poor and drunk Indians. I would go there also because it is the only place that would help him get out of poverty and give him a successful life. The reservation school is so old he gets the name “Agnes Adams” which is his mothers name in his textbook. At the reservation, you also don’t get to travel for sports and ‘two or three of throe Indians might not have had breakfast that morning.”(page194) I fully agree with the way Arnold solved the problem and I think that is the only way he could have solved…show more content…
Arnold starts off saying on page 1 that he had brain problems and has seizers often. Arnold also is said to be beat up a lot like the first chapter is called the black eye of the month club. Arnold also has to live in poverty his life and he said on page 8 that “poverty = empty refrigerator + empty stomach.” Arnold also only had one friend on the reservation and everyone else hates him. Then it said that he is going to a new school and it will somehow change his life which makes the
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